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TURKLIFT is a leading elevator manufacturer in the industry. The performance of Turklift Elevators has been proven in thousands of facilities and buildings worldwide.

Machine Room-Less Elevators

Machine room-less elevators provide significant advantages, especially for designers, builders, and building owners in buildings with more intensive passenger traffic and higher commercial buildings.

The advantages of machine room-less systems

1. Space saving with machine room-less design.
2. Unique stopping precision with superior control techniques.
3. Easy integration into any type of building.
4. Quiet and comfortable travel with superior performance of the lifting unit.
5. Reduced starting current, lower energy consumption.
6. Fast and efficient installation.
7. Optimal performance.

Hydraulic Elevators

Machine Room Below, quiet and smooth-starting hydraulic elevators, with single piston, double piston, 1:1, 2:1 drive options, are recommended as a suitable solution for passenger, freight, service, and panoramic elevators.

Advantages of Hydraulic Systems

1. Low material cost and maintenance fees.
2. Providing more effective use of space in buildings.
3. Freedom in roof design and access to terrace floors.
4. Free choice of machine room location.
5. Transmitting the load to the base of the building and facilitating static calculations.
6. Being able to meet high transport capacity needs.
7. Cost-free operation on downward travel.
8. Silent operation.
9. Precise floor adjustment (±3 mm) and automatic leveling.
10. Automatic access to the floor in case of possible malfunctions.
11. Smooth start and stop; stepless speed adjustment.

Elevators with Machine Rooms

Elevators with Machine Rooms are a type of elevator where the elevator drive machine is housed in a room constructed above the elevator shaft. Elevators built in this manner can be classified according to their transportation purposes, such as passenger elevators, freight elevators, vehicle elevators, stretcher elevators, and service elevators, and can be further classified based on their control style, such as dual-speed and VVVF speed-controlled.