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We are at your service with our products, all of which are manufactured in our own factory with the latest technology machines...

Türklift Asansör, with its 10,000 m² factory where production takes place, has been operating in the industry for many years. Its areas of activity include elevator cabins and suspensions, fully automatic doors, panels, and chassis, button manufacturing, and the sale of all elevator parts. In addition, Türklift Asansör also performs elevator installations, focusing heavily on domestic and international mass housing projects. It provides and sells various complete package elevator types and carries out their installations. In Turkey, it supplies and installs package elevators for large government housing projects such as the 'TOKI' residences. It is rapidly advancing in its journey towards branding globally through its international sales and installations. Türklift Asansör collaborates with various countries, primarily including many Middle Eastern countries such as Iran and Iraq, as well as Far Eastern, Turkic Republics, Balkan, and European countries.

Our goal at Türklift Asansör is to always provide our customers with the best quality and service at the most competitive prices, thereby showcasing our distinction.